The Declaration

No real effort before..

I've been trying to do gamedev stuff from time to time for almost three years now. I did a thing, showed it to my family and my friends and it was it - no further steps like showing it to public, publishing something, participating in game jams. I had gaps without any related action that lasted in months before I did something else. And, most times, it was just some experiments in Unity, Godot, or Unreal Engine. No real games you can start, play for a while and end it whether with victory or defeat.

.. but my chosen path after

But this time it's different. Life goes on and we are not elves that can live for hundred of years. And I want my human life to be a really exciting journey with lots of fun, unique experience, good friends and.. of course, the amount of money that is enough not only for me, but for people I care about.

I love programming but I really still consider myself to be a junior level one. There are lots of possible ways to be a programmer, but the way that gamedev one is the most appealing to me. Like, I really love the idea of building virtual interacting worlds - it sounds waaay more interesting then developing another bank app or stuff.

The Declaration

So, what's that post is really about:

*In official tone* I hereby announce that I, Xid, am to follow the path of becoming supa-dupa-grandmaster-level-and-beyond in the domain of computer programming in general and as a gamedev one in particular. I will post my progress here or any other social platform, my personal site including, for the World to witness and for myself to uphold to my word.

Well, I guess, that's it. If anyone is reading it - Hi!

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